Friday, March 5, 2010

The Art of Communication and Socializing #1

Let's start with the basics.

When first meeting someone, it is polite to firmly shake their hand, look them in the eyes, and introduce yourself.

1. This initial greeting is very important! A person's handshake says a lot about that person. For instance, someone who loosely grips your fingers to shake is really saying that they have no confidence in themselves and feel awkward and uncomfortable. This feeling is conveyed to people and leaves a terrible impression.

2. The second part to a good introduction is to look that person in the eyes. Not a creepy stare down to show one's dominance, but just long enough, approximately 3 seconds, to show you respect that person and are meeting them on the same level.

3. Thirdly, if you have failed with the previous 2 there is still hope. Don't give up! The introduction of your name is imperative for someone to remember you. Simply say, "Hi, my name is Blank. Very nice to meet you." This is all done simultaneously.

4. The final thing you can do is to make conversation. This does not need to be something long or in depth. Just something to get to know the new person better. Ask them where they are from, what their job is, ect...just something to make the person feel comfortable. NOTHING too personal! Then when finishing the conversation, tell them how wonderful it was to meet them and speak with them. Even if you could not wait to get away.

I hope this helps you. Go on and give it a try. I believe in you!

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